Certification Week – How to Prepare for the Tableau and Alteryx Exams

by Tobias Thormann

Whether you will be taking an Exam for an Alteryx Certification or a Tableau Certification a sufficient preparation is needed to help you pass the Exam.

In this blog post I will illustrate which resources can help you prepare for your Exams, based on the Exams I took during this week.

Tableau Data Analyst Certification:

The first step is to read the Exam Guide to familiarise yourself with how the Exam will take place. You can find the Tableau Data Analyst Exam Guide here: https://mkt.tableau.com/files/TableauCertifiedDataAnalyst_ExamGuide.pdf. There you can find information about the Exam Format, the Scoring, the Objectives and an Example of how the Questions would look like.

Tableau Data Analyst Certification Exam Format
Tableau Data Analyst Certification Practise Question

You need to familiarise with the Objectives of the Exam and identify which areas you need to primarily focus on. In the Exam Guide are 5 pages dedicated to the Objectives of the Exam.

After you know what areas to focus on you can search the internet for a guide or look for YouTube videos, depending on how you prefer to inform yourself about a topic.

Before starting your preparation you can take a practise test. Various test can be found here: https://learningtableau.com/practice-quizzes/.

Data Analyst Exam Prep Quizzes

If you have colleagues who already have taken the exam it is also a good idea to get in touch with them and ask them about their experience taking the exam.

Alteryx Designer Core:

For Alteryx you have similar resources to get ready for an Exam. Of course you should check the Exam Prep (https://community.alteryx.com/t5/Exam-Prep/tkb-p/exam-prep) and the Exam Prep Guide (https://community.alteryx.com/t5/Exam-Prep/Core-Certification-Exam-Prep-Guide/ta-p/409403) specifically.

Alteryx Designer Core Exam Overview from the Exam Prep Guide

There is also a Tool Mastery Index (https://community.alteryx.com/t5/Alteryx-Designer-Knowledge-Base/Tool-Mastery-Index/ta-p/84593) which helps you get a deeper understanding of every tool in the Alteryx software.

Tool Mastery Index

Of course you can also find helpful videos on YouTube or even on the Alteryx Community (https://community.alteryx.com/t5/Videos/bd-p/live-training).

Another great way to prepare are Weekly Challenges listed in the Exam Prep Guide.

Weekly Challenges from the Exam Prep Guide

Once you think you are ready – or before you start to prepare also works – you can do the Core Certification Practice Test (https://community.alteryx.com/t5/Exam-Prep/Core-Cert-Practice-Test/ta-p/401575). Based on the result you will have a rough estimate if you are ready to take the exam or if you need to study more.

That being said, I wish you good luck for your Tableau and/or Alteryx Certifications!